Sunday, January 26, 2020

Parents With Mental Illness Social Work Essay

Parents With Mental Illness Social Work Essay This paper explains the circumstances of a parent living with a mental illness and disclaims the assumption that this dilemma at all times results in abuse or neglect six articles are referenced for this paper, providing related research on the topic. Some authors provide examples of adults who live with a mental illness and the struggles to provide and nurture their family. Others support the notion that mental illness, although a difficult ailment, does not always result in an abusive or dysfunctional home. The author examines numerous claims that living with a mental illness puts a family at risk for neglect. The author maintains that this circumstance does not automatically equal abuse in a home, but rather, present hardships to overcome. Parents with Mental Illness: Arguments of an Abusive Home Many opinions conclude that mentally ill parents are not able to care for their children and often create the outcome of a neglectful home. There is a stigma out there that these children of adults with a mental illness are at risk for growing up in an abusive home. Although this may be true in certain instances, there is much research to counter this argument and provide support that a high percentage of mentally ill parents work very hard to overcome and handle their obstacles, and provide a loving and functional home. To further understand the background of the issue this topic should be looked into with great detail. The purpose of this paper is to do just that, by giving evidence for and against the topic, by looking into ways that some families adjust and how others dont. This paper looks into claims that go along with the assumption of abuse stemming from a home with mental illness and provides statistics against it, and in support of parents being able to deal with these kind s of difficulties. Much research has been done in the area of effects of mental illness in the family. One of which was an article by authors Swartz, Swanson, Hiday, Borum, Wagner, and Burns (1998) that suggests that the presence of a mental illness are often times associated with serious violent acts, according to the Violence and Severe Mental Illness article. It explains how adults with psychiatric problems often times self medicate with alcohol or other substances instead of regularly taking their prescribed medication. The medication noncompliance, substance abuse, and overall mental illnesses create a huge problem within a family. Individuals in this position cannot take care of themselves; much less keep a family healthy. With all the stress stated previously, often times a parent may become violent as a way of coping. It was found that alcohol or other drug abuse problems  combined with poor adherence to medication may signal a higher  risk of violent behavior among persons with severe ment al illness (Violence and Severe Mental Illness). Within this type of a situation children become withdrawn, scared, and depending on the age may begin acting out themselves. There has been other research, like this, that shows a correlation between violent and neglectful homes and parents with a mental illness. These tend to aim more towards the lack of proper medication and instead, the substitute of alcohol or other drugs by the parent. One such article by Danson , Gold, Barreira, and Fisher (2008) indicates that as unhealthy as the mentally ill parent is, the child is as equally effected, if not more so. Research by Danson et al. (2008) revealed that situations with severe substance  abuse by a parent,  there is a high recurrence of less frequent parent-child  contact. The more a parent turns to substances to self medicate, there is less and less contact with their children. This is where most people draw the conclusion that a parent with a mental illness, results in a negl ectful or abusive home. Studies have shown that this results in lifelong problems in kids, such as a feeling of isolation, separation anxiety, boundary issues, anger, and depression. Children need their parents to be present. Even if struggling with a mental illness, a child needs their parent involved in their lives. Although there is much research that views adults with mental illnesses as precursors to neglectful and abusive parents, there is a great deal of studies that argue against it. Rethink is a severe mental illness foundation, aiming to assist those suffering, family who are affected, as well as a goal of clearing up any misconceptions glued to this illness. Their overall conclusions are being a parent with mental illness can be both challenging and rewarding. People often stigmatize and assume that children born to people with mental illness will experience social and emotional difficulties, that they may be abused or neglected. But parents with mental illness can be good parents if they receive appropriate support (Parents with Mental Illness). This is where the argument comes in. The opposing views from earlier in the paper were accurate in the sense that it is difficult to deal with side effects of medications and many parents living with a mental illness self medicate instead. But this is not true in many instances. Numerous studies have shown that many parents dealing with this issue take the proper steps to mend themselves and their families. The main i dea of Rethink seemed to state that despite the stigma attached to psychological illnesses, these families are just as capable of having a functional relationship as those who are lucky enough not to face this obstacle. It was found that often times the family of a loved one dealing with a mental illness, is forgotten. Between all the chaos and stress of helping the hurting individual, the family takes a back seat. The family member with a mental illness is not always able to care for family and both parents tend to focus on fixing the one in pain. It is shown that many mentally ill parents are afraid to lose their children, and because of this work very hard to mend what was broken and create as peaceful of a life as they can. They are getting the help they need to be able to take care of their children. A high percentage are making their family lives thrive, not giving up and neglecting their children. There is support to show that a great number of mentally ill adults are reachin g out to appropriate support. Some of these summarized in the article included the many ways parents try to mend their family and the ways they reach out. Such as, education classes for parenting and support groups, it is important to receive help from outside support to improve the environment surrounding the family, as well as positive friendships and peer relationships. These tactics greatly contribute to helping an individual dealing with the chaos of a mental illness, become balanced again. Talking with others who understand the difficulties and reaching out to those who can help, give a parent peace of mind. And this sets them up for success. In addition to this article, Coping with Mental Illness summarizes the many outlets adults with a mental illness have to helping their children and affected family members succeed, once they are balanced themselves. Numerous instances prove that children of mentally ill parents as well as other family members in these situations do not al ways receive the care and nurturing they need. They may feel ashamed to talk about their situation with others and consequently may withdraw from relatives or friends who could help them or support them. Often unable to articulate their needs, even to themselves, these individuals frequently feel isolated and alone (Coping with Mental Illness in the Family). Its extremely difficult for a child to know exactly whats going on when their parent is breaking down, where to turn for help, or what to do to help the family. In these instances, families who have made it through and made the situation better, have reached out for help. Research shows that these families have discussions about understanding that a parent is mentally ill and acknowledge how this is going to affect the other members of the family. News ways of taking care of each individual are discussed and boundaries are drawn, so that certain people arent being taken advantage of or acting outside of their familial role. Lear ning a new way to deal with old unhealthy family patterns also gives family members a leg up. The cycle of harmful family habits can be broken and new communications started. From these two viewpoints, a conclusion must be drawn that whether or not a family is going to pull through a difficult time as this, it depends on the individuals and the amount of assistance they receive as well as the amount of effort they are willing to put into making their family function. It is clear that mentally ill parents have a tough burden to work through. Living with a mental illness is difficult, and many individuals have a tough time functioning and finding a balance. Because some have a hard time making it, their families suffer. Children may be abused and neglected by a parent who isnt in their right state of mind, but studies show that this is not the norm. Many parents have helpful resources in and outside the family. Many take on the challenge of finding the correct medication. And many work extremely hard to take care of themselves, so they can in turn take care of their family. Evidence shows, a high percentage of families with a mentally ill parent, get throug h life just fine.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Four Contexts That Motivate Learning

The four contexts that motivate learning are practical context, personal context, experiential context, and idealistic context. Practical context is doing something because it is what’s expected to be beneficial to succeed. The motivation is the strategic thinking to get to the point and not waste time. Personal context is setting goals for yourself to better your life or possibly the things in it. The motivation could be family or even just the satisfaction of self-achievement. Experiential context learning is learning from experience.The motivation is learning from your past experience and reintegrating it into a teaching skill for future knowledge. Idealistic context is a learning that involves exploring new ideas, theories, and concepts. The motivation is the curiosity to experience the discovery of something new. One must find the learning context that expresses them best. Personal context best motivates my learning. I like to accomplish goals I set for myself. My main go al is to make sure I can provide a better life for my children. By doing this I have to first start school and then find a good career.I tried to settle for medical assisting but the problem was simply that I was settling. My goal is to quit procrastinating and do more with my life. I have it set in my mind my children deserve the best and I am willing to do all I can to give it to them. I know I have to push myself to get through this journey. This makes the learning process easier. When I feel overwhelmed I remember my goals I have set for myself. My main personal goal is to finish school and obtain a good paying job to provide for my family and myself.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Article of Capital Budgeting Survey Essay

This research is motivated by two major factors: (1) the  over twenty year hiatus since the last thorough review ofthe capital budgeting survey literature, and (2) past appeals to the finance academic community by researchers to explore  neglected areas ofthe capital budgeting process. In response, and using a four-stage capital budgeting process as a guide, the authors review the capital budgeting survey literature  from 1984 through 2008 and find that some ofthe neglected  areas have infact been directly addressed. Unfortunately, the most prevalent focus of capital budgeting surveys continues  to be that ofthe selection stage. As a result, many areas ofthe capital budgeting process still remain relatively unexplored, providing numerous survey research opportunities. This research effort is motivated by two tnajor factors: 1)  the twenty year hiatus since the last thorough review of the capital budgeting survey literature, and 2) past observations and appeals made to the finance academic community by  fellow researchers to explore neglected areas of the capital budgeting process through more focused and directed survey  research. Richard M. Burns is a Professor of Finance at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL Joe Walker is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL. The authors wish to thank the Editor and the anonymous referee for their many helpful comments and suggestions. 78 The first factor stands on its own as justification for an update of the capital budgeting survey literature. The last comprehensive reviews were made by researchers Scott and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee (1987) over twenty years ago. Regarding the second factor, almost three decades ago, Kim (1979) noted that too much emphasis was being placed on methods of ranking and selecting capital budgeting proposals. Scott and Petty (1984) also noted the â€Å"†¦ disproportionate (unjustified) amount of time [spent] on a particular stage (financial analysis and project selection) †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Further, Gordon and Pinches (1984) generalized this complaint by arguing that â€Å"†¦the capital budgeting process must be viewed in its entirety.† Mukherjee (1987) agreed that â€Å"†¦ further survey efforts need to be devoted to understanding the entire process.† To address these two factors, the authors have provided a current review of the capital budgeting survey studies over the past twenty-four years. The results are reported in a four-stage capital budgeting framework that allows a more detailed and clear assessment of the appeals by past researchers. As a result, fertile areas for future applied research in the area of capital budgeting survey work are more easily identified and summarized. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section I a four-stage capital budgeting process will be identified and used throughout the balance ofthe paper. It provides a useful framework to evaluate in more detail the most prominent capital budgeting survey literature reviews of the past, to highlight neglected areas of capital budgeting research, and to organize past appeals for future research in this area. In Section II this four-stage process will also be used to describe the procedures used in performing the capital budgeting 79 BURNS & WALKER – CAPITAL BUDGETING SURVEYS: THE FUTURE IS NOW survey literature update over the 1984-2008 period. Section  III will continue to use this framework to present the detailed findings while Section IV will provide an overall summary.  Finally, Section V will present conclusions, comments, and  insights for future survey research. I. Past Reviews and Appeals appears on an executive’s desk and all that is needed is for the manager to choose the project(s) with the highest expected payoff. However, as most managers quickly learn, this is not the case. Further, once projects are chosen, the evaluation  of an individual project’s subsequent performance  is usually either ignored or often inappropriately  handled.  Our contention is that the capitalbudgeting process must be viewed in its entirety,  and the informational needs to support effective  decisions must be built  into the firm’s decision  comprehensive reviews  support system. In the corporate finance  capital budgeting survey  literature  the  capital  The last budgeting process has been  were made by researchers Scott  described in terms of four The two most significant stages: 1) identification, attempts to assess the and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee 2) development,  3)  balance of research among  (1987) over twenty years ago.  selection, and 4) control.’  these four stages were those  The identification stage  of Scott and Petty (1984)  comprises the overall process of project idea generation and Mukherjee (1987), both of which occurred well over including sources and submission procedures and the twenty years ago.^ Scott and Petty provided a synthesis of earlier surveys of  incentives/reward system, if any. The development stage involves the initial screening process relying primarily large American firms and organized their analysis based on a upon cash flow estimation and early screening criteria. The three stage classification: 1) project definition and cash flow selection stage includes the detailed project analysis that estimation 2) financial analysis and project selection, and results in acceptance or rejection of the project for funding. 3) project implementation and review. Citing Gitman and Finally, the control stage involves the evaluation of project Forrester (1977), they noted that: †¦ project definition and cash flow estimation is performance for both control purposes and continuous considered the â€Å"most difficult† aspect ofthe capital improvement for future decisions. All four stages have budgeting process. The financial analysis and common areas of interest including personnel, procedures, project selection stage, which receives the most and methods involved, along with the rationale for each. attention in the literature, is considered the least All four stages are critical to the overall process, but difBcult ofthe three stages †¦Ã‚  the selection stage is arguably the most involved since it includes the choices of analytical methods/techniques used, Also covering surveys of large American corporations, how the cost of capital is determined, how adjustments for Mukherjee (1987) agreed that there had been too much projects risks are assessed and reflected, and how, if relevant, survey focus on the selection stage and not enough on the capital rationing affects project choice. The selection stage other stages as well as the overall capital budgeting process. has also been the most investigated by survey researchers, Paraphrasing that paper’s recommendations, it called for particularly in the area of selection techniques, resulting in more research into specific questions relevant for each stage. a relative neglect ofthe other stages. This in turn has led to For example, in stage 1, future surveyors were urged to appeals to future researchers to consider the other stages in investigate the reward systems, procedural aspects, and the their survey research efforts. As Gordon and Pinches (1984) organizational structure ofthe firm. In stage 2, more research note: was suggested on the topics of divisional vs. corporate Most of the literature on the subject of capital biases, strategic considerations, cash flow estimation budgeting has emphasized the selection phase, details, data details, cannibalization, risk, and inflation. giving little coverage to the other phases. Instead, Even within the more widely-studied Stage 3, neglected it is usually assumed that a set of well-defined capital investment opportunities, with all of the informational needs clearly specified, suddenly ^ o t e that these two reviews are only three years apart based on publication ‘See Gordon and Pinches (1984) and Mukherjee (1987). Scott and Petty (1984) use a similar 3-stage process. It is interesting to note, however, that an even earlier survey by Gitman and Forrester (1977) had used a 4-stage analysis. date, and that the latter does not cite the former, likely due to publication lags. As noted in the procedures section, this paper uses the Mukherjee format. Furthermore, the title of this paper derives from Mukherjee’s title. 80 areas were identified such as the rationale for the various methods used, how firms compute their cost of capital, the low rate of risk recognition, the associated low rates of risk adjustment and assessment sophistication, capital rationing (and the low usage of linear programming), and the details of authorization levels. Finally, with regard to Stage 4, more research was encouraged into the details of performance evaluation, how the company follows up on such evaluation, the details of expenditure control procedures, and the reward system for performance.’ How well these appeals have been answered with subsequent survey research is the primary focus of this paper. In the next section the authors describe the procedures employed to assess the effectiveness of these appeals made over twenty years ago. II. Procedures Consistent with the reviews by Scott and Petty (1984) and Mukherjee (1987), the following criteria were used to choose capital budgeting survey articles for inclusion in this review: the surveys had to involve large US firms, they had to be broad-based (not focused on one particular industry), and they had to be published in mainline academic journals post-1984. Using these criteria resulted in the selection of the nineteen capital budgeting surveys included in Figure 1.† The Figure provides, in chronological order, the survey year (which in all cases differs from the publication year), authors, research method, usable responses and the audience surveyed. Each of these 19 survey articles was then thoroughly examined in an effort to identify the stages and areas within each stage that the survey covered. The results of this process are reported in Figure 2 and consistent with Mukherjee’s (1987) chronological ordering in a tabular form indicating areas of investigation within the four stages ofthe ‘These more specific questions are largely paraphrased from Mukherjee (1987) and are not fully exhaustive. The interested reader is, of course, encouraged to read this very thorough article in its entirety. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢The initial search using Proquest (ABI Inform) specifying â€Å"capital budgeting surveys† in scholarly journals after January 1, 1984, yielded over two hundred results. However, the great majority were published in the non-mainline journals, including many strictly practitioner (trade journal) outlets and /or were focused on a particular country or industry and thus eliminated by the screening criteria. To insure against missing articles due to any limitations ofthe ABl database, the authors checked the references ofthe surviving articles, and in addition, conducted a manual search ofthe most cited finance journals tables of contents and the reference sections of the various survey articles found. JOURNAL OF APPLIED FINANCE – ISSUES 1 & 2, 2009 capital budgeting process.’ It should be noted that the Figures herein were slightly altered from Mukherjee’s original format to better focus on selected issues that were identified specifically as areas of neglect. For example, the category of â€Å"techniques† was divided into â€Å"techniques used† and â€Å"reasons for techniques used†. Similarly, the risk category was divided into â€Å"risk recognition†, â€Å"risk assessment†, and â€Å"risk adjustment†. III. Findings by Stage A quick perusal of Figure 2 reveals an obvious concentration of â€Å"checks† in Stage 3 (selection) similar to the previous findings of Mukherjee. Although a careful look at some of the stage categories individually indicates that several neglected areas have been researched over the period, there is still an obvious and relative lack of research into Stages 1, 2, and 4. To further assess the effectiveness ofthe research appeals, the analysis and reported results in this section will be ordered by the four stages.   Summary comments are provided only  on those surveys which provide a significant contribution to a previously neglected area of capital budgeting survey research. As a result, the findings of Bierman ( 1993), Gilbert and Reichert (1995), Payne, Heath, and Gale (1999), and Ryan and Ryan (2002) are not summarized. A. Stage 1 : Identification Suggested areas of study within this stage include how project proposals are initiated, whether the proposal process is on-going or on an â€Å"only-when-needed† basis, at what level projects are generated, whether there is a formal process for submitting ideas, how that process works when present, and if there is an incentive system for rewarding good ideas.* Unfortunately, there has never been an in-depth survey focused on this stage, leaving no question that it remains strongly neglected. The only contribution of a minor nature to this topic is the incidental finding by Stanley and Block (1984). They found that in over 80% of the responding firms that capital budgeting proposals originated bottom up ‘In the 1987 article, note that on Figure 4, the stages are described somewhat differently from the discussion in the paper itself Specifically, in the body of the paper, the four stages are: (1) identification, (2) development, (3) selection, and (4) the post-audit. But in the table, the 4 stages are idea generation, proposal development, selection of projects, and control or performance evaluation. ‘As in footnote 3, the following suggested areas of study for all four stages are largely paraphrased from Mukherjee (1987).. 81 BURNS & WALKER – CAPITAL BUDGETING SURVEYS: THE FUTURE IS NOW Figure 1. Surveys of Capital Budgeting of Large US Firms Surveyed Year(s) Survey Author(s) Method Number of Usable Responses 1982 Stanley & Block (1984) questionnaire 121 1986 Pruitt & Gitman (1987) questionnaire 121 1986 Pohlman, Santiago, & Markel(1988) questionnaire 232 1988 Gordon & Myers (1991) 1988 1992 1990 1991 1992 Myers, Gordon, & Hamer(1991) Bierman (1993) Porterba & Summers (1995) Gilbert & Reichert (1995) Trahan & Gitman (1995) Sample CFO’s of Fortune 1000 multinationals VP Finance or Treasurer of largest industrials in Fortune 500 CFO’s of Fortune 500 questionnaire 282 questionnaire 282 questionnaire 74 Executives and capital budgeting directors of large US industrials except utilities and transportation Large public firms from FASB Data Bank 100 largest of Fortune 500 questionnaire 160-228 CEO’s of Fortune 1000 questionnaire 151 Fortune Magazine Directory CFO’s questionnaire 84 CFO’s of Fortune 500 + Forbes 200 Managers of foreign manufacturing subsidiaries of US industrials 1992 Shao & Shao (1996) questionnaire 188 1992 Burns & Walker (1997) questionnaire 180 Fortune 500 7,27,10 7 best-sellling texts, 27 prestigious CFO’s, 10 leading financial advisors 1996-97 Bruneretal(1998) telephone survey 1992-93 Mukherjee & Hingorani(1999) questionnaire 102 Fortune 500 CFO’s 1994 Payne, Heath, & Gale (1999) questionnaire 155 USA and Canadian based companies from S&P Compustat database questionnaire 111 CFO’s from Fortune 1000 questionnaire 392 CFO’s from FEI corporations interviews 39 executives of large companies questionnaire 205 CFO’s of Fortune 1000 questionnaire 40 top-ranking officers of Fortune 1000 1997 1999 1999 1999 2005 Gitman & Vandenberg (2000) Graham & Harvey (2001) Triantis & Borison (2001) Ryan & Ryan (2002) Block (2007) z †¢^ II O) (2002) ueAy â€Å"? uBAy o (0 O) †¢a (0 a> i2 i2 o u. a> †¢o (0 (O O) I O) †¢o 3 OQ a re U 3 D) < ‘O6B!)UB9 ‘UBLU|L|Od S (8861.) |S>tJeiM (Z86l.)ueaJi!O’SH! (W6l)>|00ia’8’^8|UBis |L Idea Generation |A. Source of Origination |B. Reasons for Idea Origination |C. Process of Origination & Submission |D. Time Pattern of Origination 1II. ProposalDevelopment |A. Level at Which screening Takes Place |B. Screening Process  ¡C. Cashflow Estimates (and forecasting) |D. Responsibility for Budget Preparation (personnel) |lll. Selection of Projects |A. Classification of Projects for Economic Analysis B. Personnel (Department) Responsible for Analysis C1. Listing Techniques Used |C2. Reasons for Techniques Used Dl. Risk recognition D2. Risk assessment D3. Risk adjustment El. Capital Rationing: How Extensive? E2. Capital Rationing Rationale E3. Capital Rationing Methods Used F. Cost of Capital G. Project Approval |IV. Control (or Perfonnance Evaluation) A. Extent of Use of Post Audit B. Personnel Involved/Procedure C. Performance Measurement D. Use of Evaluation (Punishment/Reward/Etc.) 1* Surveys in this exhibit appear in chronological order of their publication. 82 JOURNAL OF APPLIED FINANCE – ISSUES 1 & 2, 2009 o o o o CM o ( ¿ooz) >iooia 6jaquapueA ‘S UBLUIJO (0002) (6660 9|B0 ‘S ‘MIB9H ‘auÄBd (666 O !UBJo6u!H ‘S aa[jaLj>|ni^ -?†¢ -y -7-?†¢ -y (1.002) uosuog pue suueui -?†¢ ~y (1.002)’^SWBH S lUBMBJO ~7-?†¢ -?†¢ -?†¢ -?†¢ -y -?†¢ (866l.)|Bà ­a.iaunjg -?†¢ CO t ^ -y ( ¿66l)J8>lieM’8SUjng (966l†¢)oeL^S’8OB^s -y (9661.) uBUjJio ‘S UBUBJi -y (S66l.)weM0!ay’s;jaqi!9 -y (9661-) sjauiujns ‘s eqjapod -?†¢ -y m ( £661.) ueuuaig -y -y â€Å"5 ‘a. n O (1-661-) jaoiBH ‘S ‘uopjoo ‘sjaA|/| ~y -y ~y -y (1.661.) sjaÄ|/l’8uopjoo -y ~y -y -y -?†¢ -?†¢ -y ~y -y -y to -y 00

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Measuring a Public Health Issue - 1366 Words

Public Heath Assignment 2 Measuring a public health issue a1667927 1. Describe why this health problem is a public health issue for young Australians. Asthma is a chronic condition affecting the respiratory system and has a considerable impact on both individuals and a population. Everybody is susceptible to asthma, some more than others, depending of a variety of factors including, age, sex, geographical location and income. Asthma is particularly prevalent in younger children and the elderly and while it can be fatal, most people have mild cases of asthma that are relatively easy to treat. The condition mainly impacts an individual’s physical ability to contribute to a community. The effect of asthma can range from mild, irregular symptoms causing minor problems for an individual to severe and sudden asthma attacks. The extent of what causes asthma is not well known or fully understood but some common triggers include, cold temperatures, dust mites, cockroaches, pollen, sickness, mould and animal hair. When triggered, the airways in the lungs become inflamed and constricted causing shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing [R]. Currently, there is no cure for asthma however symptoms can be managed with medication and improved living standards [R]. Asthma symptoms are commonly controlled with the use of inhalers, either preventers (taken to desensitizes airways to triggers) or relievers (provides instant relief by relaxing the muscles) [16]. Asthma is a publicShow MoreRelatedTeenage Pregnancy Essay examples1012 Words   |  5 Pages30,2012 Teenage Pregnancy: Why is this Important Teen pregnancy is a critical public health issue that affects the health and educational, social and economic future of the mother and child. 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